Full list of publications available in Google Scholar


  1. TAI
    Retain and Adapt: Online Sequential EEG Classification with Subject Shift Duan, T., Wang, Z., Shen, L., Doretto, G., Adjeroh, D. A., Li, F., and Tao, C. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2024. abstract bibTeX pdf doi
  2. NN
    Online continual decoding of streaming EEG signal with a balanced and informative memory buffer Duan, T., Wang, Z., Li, F., Doretto, G., Adjeroh, D. A., Yin, Y., and Tao, C. Neural Networks, 2024. abstract bibTeX pdf doi
  3. Emergency Medical Services Shock Index is the Most Accurate Predictor of Patient Outcomes After Blunt Torso Trauma Bardes, J. M., Price, B. S., Adjeroh, D. A., Doretto, G., and Wilson, A. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 2022. abstract bibTeX html doi
  4. Coronary artery disease phenotype detection in an academic hospital system setting Joseph, A., Mullett, C., Lilly, C., Armistead, M., Cox, H. J., Denney, M., Varma, M., Rich, D., Adjeroh, D. A., Doretto, G., Neal, W., and Pyles, L. A. Applied Clinical Informatics, 2021. abstract bibTeX doi
  5. BB
    Deep learning for biological age estimation Ashiqur Rahman, S., Giacobbi, P., Pyles, L., Mullett, C., Doretto, G., and Adjeroh, D. A. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2020. abstract bibTeX doi
  6. TCSVT
    Online Human Interaction Detection and Recognition with Multiple Cameras Motiian, S., Siyahjani, F., Almohsen, R., and Doretto, G. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2017. abstract bibTeX pdf
  7. PlorOne
    A framework for analyzing the whole-body surface area from a single view Piccirilli, M., Doretto, G., and Adjeroh, D. Plos One, 2017. abstract bibTeX pdf
  8. Rapid and semiautomatedextraction of neuronal cell bodies and nuclei from electron microscopy image stacks Holcomb, P. S., Morehead, M., Doretto, G., Chen, P., Berg, S., Plaza, S., and Spirou, G. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2016. abstract bibTeX pdf
  9. Automated classification of vowel category and speaker type in the high-frequency spectrum Donai, J. J., Motiian, S., and Doretto, G. Audiology Research, 2016. abstract bibTeX pdf
  10. IEEESJ
    A Mobile Structured Light System for 3D Face Acquisition Piccirilli, M., Doretto, G., Ross, A., and Adjeroh, D. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016. abstract bibTeX pdf
  11. BMEoL
    Automated Extraction and Validation of Children’s Gait Parameters with the Kinect Motiian, S., Pergami, P., Guffey, K., Mancinelli, C. A., and Doretto, G. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 2015. abstract bibTeX pdf doi
  12. PRL
    M-VIVIE: A multi-thread video indexer via identity extraction De Marsico, M., Doretto, G., and Riccio, D. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2012. abstract bibTeX pdf html doi
  13. JAIHC
    Appearance-based person reidentification in camera networks: problem overview and current approaches Doretto, G., Sebastian, T., Tu, P., and Rittscher, J. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2011. abstract bibTeX pdf html
  14. TPAMI
    Dynamic shape and appearance models Doretto, G., and Soatto, S. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2006. abstract bibTeX pdf doi
  15. IJCV
    Dynamic textures Doretto, G., Chiuso, A., Wu, Y. N., and Soatto, S. International Journal of Computer Vision, 2003. abstract bibTeX pdf
  16. TPAMI
    A frequency domain technique for range data registration Lucchese, L., Doretto, G., and Cortelazzo, G. M. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2002. abstract bibTeX pdf doi


  1. ECCVW
    Online Stochastic Optimization for Data with Temporal Dependencies Patel, S., Zaveri, R. J., Chambers, S., Randhawa, Z., and Doretto, G. In European Conference on Computer Vision Workshop on Out of Distribution Generalization, 2024. [In press] abstract bibTeX
  2. ICMLA
    Multi-label Classification using Self-Supervised Learning: Addressing Class Inter-Dependency and Data Imbalance Mirzaee, G., Doretto, G., and Adjeroh, D. A. In IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, 2024. [In press] abstract bibTeX
  3. ACCV
    FG-CXR: A Radiologist-Aligned Gaze Dataset for Enhancing Interpretability in Chest X-Ray Report Generation Pham, T. T., Ho, N.-V., Bui, N.-T., Phan, T., Patel, B., Adjeroh, D., Doretto, G., Nguyen, A., Wu, C. C., Nguyen, H., and Le, N. H. In Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2024. [In press] abstract bibTeX pdf
  4. NAACL
    Z-GMOT: Zero-shot Generic Multiple Object Tracking Tran, K., Le Dinh, A. D., Nguyen, T.-P., Phan, T., Nguyen, P., Luu, K., Adjeroh, D., Doretto, G., and Le, N. H. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL), 2024. abstract bibTeX pdf html code data doi
  5. ICPR
    TabSeq: A Framework for Deep Learning on Tabular Data via Sequential Ordering Habib, A. Z. S. B., Wang, K., Hartley, M.-A., Doretto, G., and Adjeroh, D. A. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2024. [In press] abstract bibTeX pdf
  6. ICPR
    Efficient Classification of Histopathology Images using Highly Imbalanced Data Nouyed, M. I., Hartley, M.-A., Doretto, G., and Adjeroh, D. A. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2024. [In press] abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf
  7. ICRA
    Open-Fusion: Real-time Open-Vocabulary 3D Mapping and Queryable Scene Representation Yamazaki, K., Hanyu, T., Vo, K., Pham, T., Tran, M., Doretto, G., Nguyen, A., and Le, N. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024. Oral abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf webpage code doi
  8. ISBI
    SAM3D: Segment Anything Model in Volumetric Medical Images Bui, N. T., Hoang, D. H., Tran, M. T., Doretto, G., Adjeroh, D. A., Patel, B., Choudhary, A., and Le, N. In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2024. abstract bibTeX pdf code doi
  9. ISBI
    Few-shot adaptation for morphology-independent cell instance segmentation Zaveri, R., Brume, V., and Doretto, G. In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2024. abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf doi
  10. WACV
    ZEETAD: Adapting Pretrained Vision-Language Model for Zero-Shot End-to-End Temporal Action Detection Phan, T., Vo, K., Le Dinh, A. D., Doretto, G., Adjeroh, D., and Le, N. In IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2024. abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf code doi
  11. BIBM
    Replay with Stochastic Neural Transformation for Online Continual EEG Classification Duan, T., Wang, Z., Doretto, G., Li, F., Tao, C., and Adjeroh, D. In IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2023. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf
  12. Current Topological and Machine Learning Applications for Bias Detection in Text Farrelly, Y., Hathaway, Q. A., Carlsson, G., Choudhary, A., Paul, R., Doretto, G., Himeur, Y., Atalls, S., and Mansoor, W. In International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Security (ICSPIS), 2023. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf
  13. ICIP
    More Synergy, Less Redundancy: Exploiting Joint Mutual Information for Self-Supervised Learning Mohamadi, S., Doretto, G., and Adjeroh, D. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2023. abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf doi
  14. ECAI
    Distributionally Robust Cross Subject EEG Decoding Duan, T., Wang, Z., Doretto, G., Li, F., Tao, C., and Adjeroh, D. In European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2023. abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf doi
  15. IJCB
    AG-ReID 2023: Aerial-Ground Person Re-identification Challenge Results Nguyen, K., Fookes, C., Sridharan, S., Liu, F., Liu, X., Ross, A., Michalski, D., Nguyen, H., Deb, D., Kothari, M., Saini, M., Du, D., McCloskey, S., Bertocco, G., Boult, T., Andaló, F., Rocha, A., Zhu, H., Zheng, Z., Nevatia, R., Randhawa, Z. A., Sabri, S., and Doretto, G. In IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics , 2023. abstract bibTeX pdf
  16. IGARSS
    A Framework for Token-based Scene Classification of Remote Sensing Images Nouyed, M. I., Dretto, G., and Adjeroh, A. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2023. abstract bibTeX doi
  17. CVPRW
    A Robust Likelihood Model for Novelty Detection Almohsen, R., Patel, S., Adjeroh, D. A., and Doretto, G. In IEEE/CVF CVPR Workshops on Computer Vision in The Wild (CVPRW), 2023. abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf html
  18. CVPRW
    Self-supervised Interest Point Detection and Description for Fisheye and Perspective Images Mera-Trujillo, M., Patel, S., Gu, Y., and Doretto, G. In IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2023. abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf html doi
  19. WACV
    CellTranspose: Few-shot Domain Adaptation for Cellular Instance Segmentation Keaton, M. R., Zaveri, R. J., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2023. abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf
  20. WACV
    FUSSL: Fuzzy Uncertain Self Supervised Learning Mohamadi, S., Doretto, G., and Adjeroh, D. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2023. abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf
  21. BIBM
    Efficient Classification of Very High Resolution Histopathological Images Nouyed, M. I., Doretto, G., and Adjeroh, D. A. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2022. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf
  22. ACCV
    Deep Active Ensemble Sampling For Image Classification Mohamadi, S., Doretto, G., and Adjeroh, D. A. In Proceedings of The Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2022. abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf
  23. ISVC
    Learning Representations for Masked Facial Recovery Randhawa, Z. A., Patel, S., Adjeroh, D. A., and Doretto, G. In Advances in Visual Computing, 2022. Oral abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf doi
  24. ISVC
    Joint Discriminative and Metric Embedding Learning for Person Re-Identification Sabri, S. I., Randhawa, Z. A., and Doretto, G. In Advances in Visual Computing, 2022. Oral abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf doi
  25. CVPRW
    Generative Probabilistic Novelty Detection With Isometric Adversarial Autoencoders Almohsen, R., Keaton, M. R., Adjeroh, D. A., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2022. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf doi
  26. BIBM
    Detecting Drug-Drug Interactions using Protein Sequence-Structure Similarity Networks Islam, S., Abbasi, A., Agarwal, N., Zheng, W., Doretto, G., and Adjeroh, D. A. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2021. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf
  27. BIBM
    Human Age Estimation from Gene Expression Data using Artificial Neural Networks Mohamadi, S., Doretto, G., Nasrabadi, N. M., and Adjeroh, D. A. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2021. Oral abstract bibTeX arXiv
  28. CVPRW
    Fine-Grained Visual Classification of Plant Species In The Wild: Object Detection as A Reinforced Means of Attention Keaton, M. R., Zaveri, R. J., Kovur, M., Henderson, C., Adjeroh, D. A., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of the IEEE CVPR Workshop on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization, 2021. abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf data
  29. CVPR
    Adversarial Latent Autoencoders Pidhorskyi, S., Adjeroh, D. A., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2020. abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf code
  30. CVPRW
    Unsupervised Learning of Paired Style Statistics for Unpaired Image Translation Motiian, S., Jones, Q., Pidhorskyi, S., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2019. abstract bibTeX pdf
  31. NeurIPS
    Generative probabilistic novelty detection with adversarial autoencoders Pidhorskyi, S., Almohsen, R., Adjeroh, D., and Doretto, G. In Neural Information Processing Systems, 2018. abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf code
  32. ACCV
    Deep supervised hashing with spherical embedding Pidhorskyi, S., Jones, Q., Motiian, S., Adjeroh, D., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of The Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2018. abstract bibTeX pdf
  33. NIPS
    Few-shot adversarial domain adaptation Motiian, S., Jones, Q., Iranmanesh, S. M., and Doretto, G. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2017. abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf
  34. ICCV
    Unified deep supervised domain adaptation andgeneralization Motiian, S., Piccirilli, M., and Adjeroh, G. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2017. bibTeX arXiv pdf webpage code
  35. ECCV
    Information bottleneck domain adaptation with privileged information forvisual recognition Motiian, S., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision, 2016. abstract bibTeX pdf
  36. CVPR
    Information bottleneck learning using privileged information for visual recognition Motiian, S., Piccirilli, M., Adjeroh, D., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2016. abstract bibTeX pdf
  37. ICCV
    A Supervised Low-rank Method for Learning Invariant Subspaces Siyahjani, F., Almohsen, R., Sabri, S., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2015. abstract bibTeX pdf
  38. 3DUI
    BrainTrek: An Immersive Environment for Investigating Neuronal Tissue Morehead, M., Jones, Q., Blatt, J., Holcomb, P., Schultz, J., DeFanti, T., Ellisman, M., Doretto, G., and Spirou, G. A. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 2014. abstract bibTeX pdf
  39. ICME
    Online Geometric Human Interaction Segmentation and Recognition Siyahjani, F., Motiian, S., Bharthavarapu, H., Sharlemin, S., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2014. abstract bibTeX pdf
  40. ISVC
    Pairwise Kernels for Human Interaction Recognition Motiian, S., Feng, K., Bharthavarapu, H., Sharlemin, S., and Doretto, G. In Advances in Visual Computing, 2013. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf html doi
  41. Virtual simulator for testing a vision based pose estimation system for autonomous capture of satellites with interface rings Velasquez, A. F., Marani, G., Evans, T., Napolitano, M. R., Christian, J. A., and Doretto, G. In 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 2013. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf doi
  42. ACCV
    Learning a Context Aware Dictionary for Sparse Representation Siyahjani, F., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of The Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2012. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf
  43. ISVC
    Multi-class Object Layout with Unsupervised Image Classification and Object Localization Lim, S., Doretto, G., and Rittscher, J. In International Symposium on Visual Computing, 2011. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf
  44. CVPR
    Region Moments: Fast invariant descriptors for detecting small image structures Doretto, G., and Yao, Y. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2010. abstract bibTeX pdf
  45. ECCVW
    Object Constellations: Scalable, simultaneous detection and recognition of multiple specific objects Lim, S., Doretto, G., and Rittscher, J. In Proceedings of the ECCV Workshop on Vision for Cognitive Tasks, 2010. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf
  46. CVPR
    Boosting for transfer learning with multiple sources Yao, Y., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2010. abstract bibTeX pdf
  47. AVSS
    A model change detection approach to dynamic scene modeling Kim, S. J., Doretto, G., Rittscher, J., Tu, P., Krahnstoever, N., and Pollefeys, M. In IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2009. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf
  48. AVSS
    Intelligent video for protecting crowded sports venues Krahnstoever, N., Tu, P., Yu, T., Patwardhan, K., Hamilton, D., Yu, B., Greco, C., and Doretto, G. In IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2009. (Invited paper) Oral bibTeX pdf
  49. ECCV
    Unified crowd segmentation Tu, P., Sebastian, T., Doretto, G., Krahnstoever, N., Rittscher, J., and Yu, T. In Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision, 2008. abstract bibTeX pdf
  50. CVPR
    Face alignment using boosted ranking models Wu, H., Liu, X., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf
  51. SPIE DSS
    An intelligent video framework for homeland protection Tu, P. H., Doretto, G., Krahnstoever, N. O., Perera, A. A. G., Wheeler, F. W., Liu, X., Rittscher, J., Sebastian, T. B., Yu, T., and Harding, K. G. In Proceedings of SPIE Defence and Security Symposium - Unattended Ground, Sea, and Air Sensor Technologies and Applications IX, 2007. (Invited paper) abstract bibTeX pdf
  52. ICCV
    Shape and appearance context modeling Wang, X., Doretto, G., Sebastian, T. B., Rittscher, J., and Tu, P. H. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2007. abstract bibTeX pdf
  53. CVPR
    Joint recognition of complex events and track matching Chan, M. T., Hoogs, A., Bhotika, R., Perera, A., Schmiederer, J., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2006. abstract bibTeX pdf doi
  54. ICPR
    Event recognition with fragmented object tracks Chan, M. T., Hoogs, A., Sun, Z., Schmiederer, J., Bhotika, R., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2006. abstract bibTeX pdf doi
  55. CVPRW
    Moving object segmentation using scene understanding Perera, A. G. A., Brooksby, G., Hoogs, A., and Doretto, G. In Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision, 2006. abstract bibTeX pdf doi
  56. CVPR
    Modeling dynamic scenes with active appearance Doretto, G. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf
  57. ECCV
    Spatially homogeneous dynamic textures Doretto, G., Jones, E., and Soatto, S. In Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision, 2004. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf
  58. ICCV
    Dynamic texture segmentation Doretto, G., Cremers, D., Favaro, P., and Soatto, S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2003. abstract bibTeX pdf
  59. CVPR
    Editable dynamic textures Doretto, G., and Soatto, S. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2003. abstract bibTeX pdf
  60. Towards plenoptic dynamic textures Doretto, G., and Soatto, S. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis, 2003. abstract bibTeX pdf
  61. Editable dynamic textures Doretto, G., and Soatto, S. In Conference Abstracts and Applications of SIGGRAPH ’02, 2002. Oral bibTeX pdf
  62. CVPR
    Dynamic texture recognition Saisan, P., Doretto, G., Wu, Y. N., and Soatto, S. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2001. abstract bibTeX pdf
  63. ICCV
    Dynamic textures Soatto, S., Doretto, G., and Wu, Y. N. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2001. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf
  64. ICIP
    Free-form textured surfaces registration by a frequency domaintechnique Cortelazzo, G. M., Doretto, G., and Lucchese, L. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 1998. abstract bibTeX pdf doi
    Three dimensional view registration by a frequency domain technique Cortelazzo, G. M., Doretto, G., Lucchese, L., and Totaro, S. In Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference, 1998. abstract bibTeX pdf
  66. ISCAS
    A frequency domain method for registration of range data Cortelazzo, G. M., Doretto, G., Lucchese, L., and Totaro, S. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1998. abstract bibTeX pdf doi
  67. 3DIM
    Frequency domain estimation of 3D rigid motion based on range and intensity data Lucchese, L., Doretto, G., and Cortelazzo, G. M. In Proceedings of the International Conference on 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling, 1997. Oral abstract bibTeX pdf


  1. System and method to manage delivery of healthcare to a patient Johnson, C., Akbay, K., Day, A., Doretto, G., Tu, P. H., Dulgeroglu, O., Peterson, M., and Toledano, D. U.S. Patent 8,799,008 B2, Issued aug 5, 2014. abstract bibTeX html
  2. Identifying descriptor for person or object in an image Doretto, G., Wang, X., Sebastian, T., Rittscher, J., and Tu, P. H. U.S. Patent 8,452,096 B2, Issued may 28, 2013. abstract bibTeX html
  3. Identifying descriptor for person and object in an image Doretto, G., Wang, X., Sebastian, T., Rittscher, J., and Tu, P. H. U.S. Patent 8,457,406 B2, Issued jun 4, 2013. abstract bibTeX html
  4. Method and system for crowd segmentation Tu, P. H., Turner, K. R., Rittscher, J., Sebastian, T. B., Krahnstoever, N. O., Doretto, G., and Yu, T. U.S. Patent 8,355,576 B2, Issued jan 15, 2013. abstract bibTeX html
  5. Device and method for fast computation of region based image features Doretto, G., Wang, X., Sebastian, T., Rittscher, J., and Tu, P. H. U.S. Patent 8,184,915 B2, Issued may 22, 2012. abstract bibTeX html
  6. Identifying descriptor for person or object in an image Doretto, G., Wang, X., Sebastian, T., Rittscher, J., and Tu, P. H. U.S. Patent 8,165,397 B2, Issued apr 24, 2012. abstract bibTeX html
  7. Device and method for detecting targets in images based on user-defined classifiers Tu, P. H., Krahnstoever, N., Rittscher, J., and Doretto, G. U.S. Patent 8,295,543 B2, Issued oct 23, 2012. bibTeX html
  8. Detecting and tracking targets in images based on estimated target geometry Krahnstoever, N., Tu, P H.., Doretto, G., and Perera, A. G. A. U.S. Patent 8,320,613 B2, Issued nov 27, 2012. bibTeX html
  9. System, Method And Program Product For Camera-Based Object Analysis Doretto, G., and Yi, Y. U.S. Patent 7,953,245 B2, Issued may 31, 2011. bibTeX html
  10. Standoff detection systems and methods Tu, P. H., Thomenius, K. E., Krahnstoever, N. O., Rittscher, J., Hill, J. C., Doretto, G., Sebastian, T. B., and Ashe, J. M. U.S. Patent 7,885,429 B2, Issued feb 8, 2011. bibTeX html
  11. Method and system for performing image re-identification Tu, P. H., Sebastian, T. B., Rittscher, J., Krahnstoever, N. O., Doretto, G., and Liu, X. U.S. Patent 7,711,146 B2, Issued may 4, 2010. abstract bibTeX html

Book Chapters

  1. Dynamical Systems in Video Analysis Doretto, G., Ravichandran, A., Vidal, R., and Soatto, S. In Academic Press Library in Signal Processing, 2014. bibTeX
  2. Video Analytics for Force Protection Tu, P.H., Brooksby, G.W., Doretto, G., Hamilton, D.W., Krahnstoever, N., Laflan, J.B., Liu, X., Patwardhan, K.A., Sebastian, T., Tong, Y., Tu, J., Wheeler, F.W., Wynnyk, C. M., Yao, Y., and Yu, T. In Distributed Video Sensor Networks, 2011. abstract bibTeX pdf html
  3. From dynamic texture to dynamic shape and appearance models: An overview Doretto, G., and Soatto, S. In Handbook of texture analysis, 2008. abstract bibTeX pdf
  4. Modeling dynamic scenes: An overview of dynamic textures Doretto, G., and Soatto, S. In Handbook of mathematical models in computer vision, 2006. abstract bibTeX pdf


  1. DYNAMIC TEXTURES: modeling, learning, synthesis, animation, segmentation, and recognition Doretto, G. Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 2005. Committee: Adnan Darwiche, Petros Faloutsos, Demetri Terzopoulos, Ying Nian Wu, Stefano Soatto (Chair) abstract bibTeX pdf
  2. Dynamic texture modeling Doretto, G. Master's Thesis, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 2002. Committee: Adnan Darwiche, Michael Dyer, Stefano Soatto (Chair). abstract bibTeX pdf
  3. Frequency domain estimation of the 3D motion parameters Doretto, G. Master's Thesis, University of Padua, Padua, Italy, 1998. (In Italian) Telecom Italia Prize bibTeX pdf

Tech Reports

  1. arXiv
    syGlass: Interactive Exploration of Multidimensional Images Using Virtual Reality Head-mounted Displays Pidhorskyi, S., Morehead, M., Jones, Q., Spirou, G., and Doretto, G. arXiv.org:1804.08197, 2018. abstract bibTeX arXiv pdf
  2. Fast invariant region descriptors based on moments of image features Doretto, G., and Yao, Y. Technical Report 2009GRC355, GE Global Research, 2009. Visualization and Computer Vision Laboratory bibTeX
  3. Boosting for transfer learning with multiple sources Yao, Y., and Doretto, G. Technical Report 2009GRC1080, GE Global research, 2009. Visualization and Computer Vision Laboratory bibTeX
  4. Unified crowd segementation Tu, P., Yu, T., Rittscher, J., Doretto, G., Krahnstoever, N., and Sebastian, T. Technical Report 2008GRC253, GE Global research, 2008. Visualization and Computer Vision Laboratory bibTeX
  5. Face alignment via boosted ranking models Wu, H., Liu, X., and Doretto, G. Technical Report 2008GRC239, GE Global research, 2008. Visualization and Computer Vision Laboratory abstract bibTeX
  6. Integral computations: A framework to compute fast region based features Doretto, G., and Wang, X. Technical Report 2007GRC593, GE Global Research, 2007. Visualization and Computer Vision Laboratory abstract bibTeX
  7. Shape and appearance context modeling: A fast framework for matching the appearance of people Doretto, G., Wang, X., Sebastian, T. B., Rittscher, J., and Tu, P. Technical Report 2007GRC594, GE Global Research, 2007. Visualization and Computer Vision Laboratory abstract bibTeX
  8. An intelligent video framework for homeland protection Tu, P., Doretto, G., Krahnstoever, N., Perera, A. G. A., Wheeler, F., Liu, X., Rittscher, J., Sebastian, T., Yu, T., and Harding, K. Technical Report 2007GRC326, GE Global Research, 2007. Visualization and Computer Vision Laboratory abstract bibTeX
  9. Event recognition with fragmented object tracks Chan, M., Hoogs, A., Sun, Z., Schmiederer, J., Bhotika, R., and Doretto, G. Technical Report 2006GRC038, GE Global research, 2006. Visualization and Computer Vision Laboratory abstract bibTeX
  10. A saliency model for active camera control Kim, S. J., Doretto, G., Rittscher, J., Tu, P., and Pollefeys, M. Technical Report 2005GRC591, GE Global Research, 2005. Visualization and Computer Vision Laboratory abstract bibTeX
  11. Moving object segmentation using scene understanding Perera, A. G. A., Brooksby, G., Hoogs, A., Doretto, G., and Kaufhold, J. Technical Report 2005GRC182, GE Global Research, 2005. Visualization and Computer Vision Laboratory abstract bibTeX
  12. Modeling dynamic scenes with active appearance Doretto, G., and Soatto, S. Technical Report TR040053, UCLA Computer Science Department, 2004. abstract bibTeX pdf
  13. Editable dynamic textures Doretto, G., and Soatto, S. Technical Report TR020001, UCLA Computer Science Department, 2002. abstract bibTeX pdf
  14. Towards plenoptic dynamic textures Doretto, G., and Soatto, S. Technical Report TR020043, UCLA Computer Science Department, 2002. abstract bibTeX pdf
  15. Dynamic textures Doretto, G., Pundir, P., Wu, Y. N., and Soatto, S. Technical Report TR200032, UCLA Computer Science Department, 2000. abstract bibTeX pdf


  1. Adaptive Dynamic Background Modeling Doretto, G. In Abstract Collection – Statistical and Geometrical Approaches to Visual Motion Analysis, 2008. (Abstract) Oral bibTeX html
  2. Surveillance video analytics for large camera networks Tu, P., Wheeler, F., Krahnstoever, N., Sebastian, T., Rittscher, J., Liu, X., Perera, A., and Doretto, G. In SPIE Newsroom, 2007. bibTeX pdf html doi
  3. Intelligent video based detection and tracking of suicide bombers at standoff distances Krahnstoever, N., Sebastian, T., Doretto, G., Tu, P., and Mahony, M. In TSWG Explosives Detection Conference, 2006. (Abstract and poster) abstract bibTeX
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