Research Highlights
Out-of-Distribution Learning
Out-of-Distribution learning is concerned with developing methods where the distribution of the data processed at test time may be different from the distribution of the data used during the training of a model.
Immersive Analytics
Recent advanecs in augmented, mixed, and virtual reality, coupled with the need to perform analysis and decision-making on large-scale collections of volumetric images stimulate the research in immersive analytics.
Novelty and Anomaly Detection
Detecting the presence of outliers, like novelties or anomalies, with respect to a particular distribution has numerous applications in computer vision and in nearly every area of data science.
Recent Posts
CS678 Computer Vision - Fall 2021
Who When Where Instructor: Prof. Gianfranco Doretto Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering West Virginia University
WVU Spin-off Company Istovisio, Inc. Awarded Funding for Virtual Reality Research
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CS696 Machine Learning - Fall 2020
Who When Where Instructor: Prof. Gianfranco Doretto Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering West Virginia University
Generative Probabilistic Novelty Detection with Adversarial Autoencoders
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